- Read and respond to today’s tutorial, taking stunning portraits.
- Interview one person from your CFG group I put you in yesterday.
- After you’ve read over the tutorial and completed the interview, start shooting the Introduction Portrait Assignment.
- Portrait is due on 9/7.
What are five ways to create stunning portraits? What makes these portraits unusual? Do we see any of these portraits as traditional? How can you make your photos also as stunning and unconventional as the ones in this tutorial?
One of the five ways is to alter your perspective. This means changing the angle of which the photo is being taken. Another way is having the person being photograph look different places and not having direct eye contact. Looking off the camera gives the illusion candidness. It also makes the viewers what the person is looking at. Looking within is having one object looking at another. These kind of pictures usually tell a story. Third way to stunning portraits are breaking the rules. Having a unique portrait means being different then the ones you see on a daily bases so breaking many of the rules. Playing with the lighting can change the total perspective and mood of the image. Adding props to the images shows a point of interest and a story. These are ways to make portraits unusual and not traditional. I can change the perspective to make the portrait unconventional and keep the viewers interested in knowing more about what the person is interested in.