Today’s Warm Up: A Photo Series Featuring an Oversized Dachsund

After viewing the photos contained in the link above, answer the following questions using complete sentences.

How does the photographer in this photo series play with scale and proportion? How do you think the photographer was able to manipulate the image so that the dog looks so big?

What ideas do you get for your own work after looking at this?

Today’s Warm Up: Magical Photographs of Fireflies from Japan’s 2016 Summer

After viewing the photos contained in the link above, answer the following questions using complete sentences.

What does the term ‘composite image’ mean to you? How were they able to get so many fireflies in the frame at the same time? What is created with so many of these shapes, what does it do to the nature of reality presented here? What ideas do you get for your own work?

What is Unity?

What we want to do in our Famous Quote images is attain Unity. For it to be seen as one thing instead of text and photos as being separate elements.

Understanding how the mind groups elements (by proximity, similarity, continuation and alignment) helps us understand how unity can be achieved.


PROXIMITY Proximity is based on grouping by closeness; the closer elements are to each other, the more likely we will see them as a group. Proximity is one of the easiest ways to achieve unity.


REPETITION Repetition is based on grouping by similarity; elements that are similar visually are perceived to be related. Any element can be repeated – line, shape, color, value or texture – as well other things such as direction, angle or size. Repetition helps unify a design by creating similar elements and is one of the most effective ways to unify a design.


ALIGNMENT Alignment consists of arranging elements so that their edges are lined up. The common alignment allows the eye to group those elements together. A grid is often used to create unity through alignment, not just in a single design but also between related designs (the pages of a magazine or book, for example).


CONTINUATION  Continuation means that something (a line, an edge, a curve, a direction) continues from one element to another. The viewer’s eye will follow the continuing line or edge smoothly from one element to other and the mind will group the elements because of this connection. Implied lines are one example of continuation.

Today’s Warm Up: Macro Insect Photography

After viewing the photos contained in the link above, answer the following questions using complete sentences.

How was Pascal Goet able to transform bugs into subtle shapes that resemble human faces?

What is Goet trying to say by doing this? How does macro photography lend itself to this sort of study?

What ideas do you get in this for your own work?

Today’ s Warm Up: Long Exposure Shot of California Wildfires.
After viewing the photos contained in the link above, answer the following questions using complete sentences.

How can you tell these images are long exposures? How would these photos look if they weren’t long exposures? What sorts of moods are present in these images? How could you incorporate any of these ideas into your own slow shutter photography?

Group Critique: Introduction Portraits

Step 1: Get together in your CFGs and pull up the introduction portraits you made this week.

Step 2: Each person should be able to answer these questions about each photo in your CFG. Write down the group’s thinking on each of these questions for each of your photos. Post the answers in a google doc and turn it into Google Classroom. Critiques are due on Tuesday.

1. Is this portrait an example of an unconventional portrait? What makes it an unconventional portrait? Is the focus appropriate for the subject of the photo? Does the contrast in the image engage the viewer? Is there a framing device used? Was Photoshop used appropriately to adjust the levels in the photograph?

2. What could be done to make this photo more unconventional? Do we get a sense of who this person is based on where they are photographed, props, etc? What is the photographer trying to say about the subject here? What could be done to make that more clear?

Each person turn in a copy of their group’s answers to the above questions.

Critiques are due on Tuesday.